Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature

In today’s digital world, electronic signatures and digital signatures are terms that are often confused or used interchangeably. However, each has its own characteristics, legal implications and specific applications.

In this article, we will explore the differences between digital signature and electronic signature, and how both play key roles in authenticating and legalizing documents in digital environments.

Electronic signature

Electronic signature is a broad term that encompasses any electronic method, symbol or process that allows a person to sign a document electronically.

This method can range from a scanned image of a handwritten signature to the use of a PIN or confirmation of acceptance on a digital platform.


Simplicity: It can be implemented quickly and easily in various digital contexts.

Legality: It is often accepted as valid and binding in many jurisdictions, as long as it meets certain legal requirements such as the intention of the parties involved.

Security: Your security level can vary significantly depending on the method used.

Digital signature

The digital signature is a specific type of electronic signature that uses advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure the authenticity of the signer and the integrity of the signed document.


Advanced Cryptography: Requires the use of a pair of cryptographic keys (public and private) to create and verify the digital signature.

Non-repudiation: Provides a high level of security and non-repudiation, meaning that the signer cannot deny having signed the document.

Robust Legality: It is legally binding in most jurisdictions and is preferred for critical transactions and contracts.

Implementation of e.firma in Contractualis

At Contractualis, we understand the importance of security and legal validity in signing digital documents. For this reason, we have integrated the Mexican e.signature as part of our solutions.

The e.firma is an advanced form of digital signature that meets the standards and requirements established by the SAT (Tax Administration Service) of Mexico.

Benefits of the e.signature in Contractualis:

Legal Compliance: Complies with the specific legal requirements for tax transactions and procedures in Mexico.

Advanced Security: Uses advanced cryptography to guarantee the authenticity of the signer and the integrity of the document.

Easy to Use: Simplifies and speeds up digital signature processes on secure and reliable platforms.

With the e.firma integrated into Contractualis, our users can make secure and legally valid digital signatures, complying with Mexican regulations and guaranteeing trust in each digital transaction.

While the electronic signature offers flexibility and simplicity, the digital signature provides a higher level of security and legal validity.

At Contractualis, we combine advanced e.firma technology with ease of use to offer robust and reliable solutions in digital document management. Create your account today and start enjoying the benefits.

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