
Advantages of signing in Contractualis vs Paper

Learn about some of the advantages you have when signing your contracts or documents using Contractualis

On Paper

Sign easily and quickly, even when the signers are not in the same place, whether in another office, city or country.

Verify the integrity and authenticity of your document, from anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Possibility of obtaining the original again with the same legal validity. Without fear of losing your document.

Sign at any time, from any device, even if you don't have ink or paper.

Provide security without the need to ratify signatures before a notary public.

Audit Trail or Audit Log.

Easy to sign.

Same legal validity in any court in the world.

Only apostilled

Certainty of the date on which the document was signed and created.

Only notarized

Forget paper and start signing with Contractualis

On Paper


It is filed in a drawer.

Saved online.


Sometimes you don't know where it is, so it's hard to find.

Easily locatable by being organized in folders, or through a simple search.


Only accessible in the physical place where it was filed.

Accessible from any computer or mobile device, anywhere in the world.


You only have a single original, if you lose it you will not be able to recover it.

You can print it as many times as you want with the same legal validity as the original.

Certified copy

If you require a certified copy with the validity of the original, it is necessary to request it from a notary public by paying fees.

It is not necessary to obtain a certified copy, since the digital file is the original document that has legal validity, as well as its printed representation.

Certain Date or Proof of Existence

It is only possible to obtain it by notarizing the contract or document, by paying fees to a notary public.

The fingerprint of your document is stored with Blockchain, obtaining a time stamp with the stamping date, which is unalterable and verifiable at all times.


Its integrity cannot be guaranteed.

The integrity of the contracts or documents is guaranteed through the use of Blockchain technology and NOM-151, so they are unalterable and verifiable at all times.


Only if you have the paper at hand or scanned.

From your computer or mobile device at all times.


You have to spend on paper.

No need to use paper.


Use of paper.

You are taking care of trees and the environment by not using paper.

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